Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This Journal is..

Well, this journal entry is more about nothing.I've been thinking about society today.Morals and manners are fading away.Everything is crazy now.I remember being in the second grade with my little "boyfriend",drinking caprisuns in the sand box,not caring about anything(he bought the caprisuns lol).What happened?Its like chivalry is basically dead.Sex & money are the only important things to most men and drama keeps women from getting bored. Everyone freestyles,pop pills,sell drugs,and take pictures with one leg up or their fist up,showing off a ring or something.Don't get me started on Forever 21. Lol I don't even shop there anymore.And If I see one more person with the same shirt I bought from there,I'm gonna shave my head bald.Like Amber Rose bald.But that's the style too,I guess.Well,the bald thing is cool,I just don't have the head for it and it looks like your scalp would get cold.But yeah,its like the trend now is to be random and unique,but we're all following the same "unique" which just makes us all the same.Weaves=Smh. Natural beauty is the sexiest thing a woman can have(no homo).India Arie made that one song about it.Yeah weaves are cute but how does it really help anything?It probably damages your hair,thus making you dependent on it when its not needed.And who doesn't have one now -_-. We're all better off without all this stuff masking who we are.Besides,no falls in love with you because of hair or nails.Love is much more deeper.That's lust or something else that can easily be mistaken for love.Okay I'm I'm sleepy.Oh,and I don't want to offend anyone or anything.Just my opinion.

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